Friday, February 21, 2014


I am extremely indecisive about practically everything. It not only drives me nuts but it drives Sir nuts too. If he doesn't give me a straight answer about something I ask him and he leaves me to decide for myself or contemplate it I turn into a ball of mess. 

I do try and go back to Sir about it but sometimes I still get the same results even if I tell him I need a direct answer. 

I really hate this about myself. I try not to hate anything about me because it's me and I wouldn't change me... Well I wouldn't change most of me.... 

I am currently in a one of these indecisive moments. Sir hasn't really given me a direct answer and I have talked with him about it at least 5 times this past week. I keep trying to blow it off because it isn't that important but it keeps creeping in and interrupting my day. I am also sick of bringing it up to Sir which is another reason I am just trying to forget it for now. 

I feel my need for him to make so many decisions for me gets to be annoying to him some times especially with everything going on. I know he would never say that and probably doesn't even feel that way but I can't help but feel that I'm too much sometimes. Yes he is the Dom and he makes the final decision and I should never feel bad about asking. At the same time when I was growing up I would stress about asking for basic necessities so asking for something other then necessity is even harder for me. 

Just another thing I am working through. Lol


  1. I feel like your big sis Sotto... Know I am here to help you sort it out or just listen.... It will clear up .. the fog will lift.... You will find yourself in "Wonderland"........... Hugs!!!


    1. I feel like you're my big sis too and I am so glad I have you!!! :)
